Today I woke up to a nasty storm, and instead of pretending to be productive and work on things that need working on, hubby suggested that we go chill at Starbucks. Honestly, who am I to deny anyone (let alone myself) a trip to Starbucks... especially in the name of ::chilling::. And so, we donned warm weather rain gear (because our weather is super duper sporadic) and headed to a favorite spot on the south side of Kennesaw. And that's when the want to blog came rushing back.
2013 was an amazing year! So much happened, and it feels silly to reduce it all to a sentence or two, but here goes. We traveled to Slovenia and literally had the time of our lives exploring half way around the world. A month and a half later, I found out I am diabetic and probably have been for months without knowing it. Two months after that, we found out we were pregnant, and given our history and more recent diagnosis, it was a shock, but a glorious one. By the end of the year, we had learned that the little baby growing in me is a girl, and in just over 3 months (97 days to be exact), she is due to enter this world! Follow my journey
A rainy day in Ljubljana, and my souvenir umbrella! |
In front of our "apartment" and the Ljubljana castle. |
In Piran, on the cusp of the Mediterranean! |
Lake Bled, Slovenia |
It's a girl!!! |
100 days (and counting) |
Our lives are changing, but it continues to get better every day! I am so thankful for my husband and his continued awesomeness! He has been my rock these last couple of years and I am so excited to be bringing a baby into this world with him!
In other news, I am in the midst of my second #project365! My first project took place during 2011, and was an amazing testament to myself and my year. The ability to find interest in everyday life and document it in a picture was a task, but in the end, one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done. Now, after a two year break, I am ready to start again! You can follow my progress through my
instagram account (which also links to my facebook and twitter).
It is my goal to blog more, and of course, take lots of pictures! :)
And while a new year most often means a new you, for me, I am the same, but better. Life continues to amaze, and as my grandfather used to say, it's "gettin' better every day!"
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